I’m planning to revoke my pgp key D4B6 7EF6 E356 7C8F 6C18 95E5 4FDF 316A 30ED A25C on the 2016-12-18.
I created it in 2013, and quite a lot of stuff happened in these years: it’s time to roll my current key. I’ll publish the new one around a month before the expiration date (so mid-November). It will be signed with the current key.
Also, you can find and verify the digest of my current fingerprints: fr33tux.txt
Please update your keyring !
[UPDATE - 2016-11-12] My new PGP key has been published. It’s fingerprint is now 8E7F 8550 9FBD 9ED8 E68F ACB9 18E8 99E6 80C4 FF62 on the 2016-11-12. The previous key (30EDA25C) has signed the new one (80C4 FF62). Thus, the keys that have been signed with my previous key are now signed with the new one too - simply refresh your keys from the keyservers to get the signature.
Please import, verify, and use the new key, thanks!
As a remind, my fingerprints are here: fr33tux.txt